Czech mate
04.09.2012 - 06.09.2012
I've now been in Prague for the best part of four days and will leave tomorrow. It's been great to be back and reacquaint myself with this incredible city. I've done the usual touristy things and visited all the major sites once again but I've tried to keep things as relaxed as possible.
The hostel I've been staying at is really nice but unlike the other places I've stayed it I feel like I'm by far and away the oldest person staying here. Prague is full of youngsters and in particular with many university students seeing out their last days of summer living it up here. It's quite funny to see many of them heading out every single night to sample the nocturnal activities of this city where 24 hour partying seems a very real possibility. I on the other hand have been far more content to cook in the great kitchen how times have changed.
You will be glad to hear that I am not alone in my travels now with the arrival of my mate Tom yesterday. He flew in with his bike and we shall now embark on the final leg of the trip which will see us head south tomorrow through the Czech Republic before probably heading into Germany on Saturday. From there we'll follow the river Rhine through Germany, then onwards into Switzerland before finally making our way north through France via Paris and back to England. It's great to have him on board and I pray that the weather will continue to be kind to us as we plan to do a lot of camping in this final section.
I estimate we still have about 2000 kilometres to go but with time on our side we'll be able to take it at a nice leisurely pace. There hasn't been that much to report over the last few days. The bike has been taking a well earned rest as I have too. That is about all I have to say today as I need to get an early night tonight in preparation for our ride tomorrow. We'll be checking in again soon.
Posted by Ontheroadagain 13:44 Archived in Czech Republic